Monday 29 December 2014

Settling in

The first few weeks of University can be a blur...

quite literally. 
If you're a bit like me the thought of going to university and leaving home for the first time is extremely scary and stressful

which is why on my journey there I looked like this...

then add in traffic jams on every motorway road of the usual 4 hour journey, and I was freaking out. 

However being forced to set up my bigger than imagined room helped relax me a bit before the LOVELY experience of being left by my mum to fend for myself.

After a tearful goodbye mum left and I set up my notice board with photos of all my family and friends from home which made me feel even worse.
Though, with a bit of a snoop around the kitchen and meeting my first flatmate Jemima I felt a little better.  

The first night definitely had to be the most scary as we were plunged into freshers week already

Most of this was made up of me regcognising people from the Facebook block group and wondering whether or not it would be weird to tell them...
though this is not what Naomi's dad did saying upon meeting Ollie "oh yeah you're Ollie - I recongnise you from Facebook!" - bit stalkery on the first day

But I made friends quickly with Naomi (my immediate curly hair buddy), Jemima and Ollie - my first flatmates before everyone else arrived.

And soon you're too drunk to care that you're missing home!

Another aspect of freshers week was introductory lectures which involved this:

Though it doesn't look that bad, this horror that is Cardiac Hill (named because someone actually had a cardiac arrest on it once) is not something I am enjoying living at the bottom of.

From the first week I decided I would not need my gym membership as I could get a free work out daily

(the photos do not do this justice)

Its safe to say our flat went a little wild in freshers week ending up with Mia after trying to steal a traffic cone and then pretending "Oh I thought it was my handbag" when getting told no by the construction worker, she brought home a CCTV camera to the kitchen and almost breaking her ankle putting an abrupt stop to her drunken antics for the rest of the week

She even ended up on the University's Freshers Confessions wall at the societies fair - spotted by my best friend Sophie who is also at Uni with me.

Freshers week continued with lots of pre-drinks - whilst Ring of Fire got us all drunk, we learnt a lot about everyone in 'Never Have I Ever' 
 I found another new curly hair buddy Cara who I made friends with on Facebook before coming

 Lesson learnt: Never ever give my phone to Aled as he always immediately takes selfies 
 Here are a few of the million taken of Aled and his other new Welsh buddy Cai

Thankfully due to Naomi's incredible selfie skills, we have a ridiculous amount of photos of freshers week and the first few weeks of uni

The Thai Moon Party - just about the only pre-paid party event in freshers week which I made it to

With all the other events, I either got lost from all my flat mates and ended up partying with Sophie and her flatmates or we were too drunk from pre-drinks to go

This event wasn't exactly an exception either as Naomi and I lost everyone else from our block who was there so decided to move on to a club

but then I lost Naomi who was otherwise pre-occupied with a member of her tutor group....;)

Luckily I found Sophie and ended up having a great night at Time Piece

The first two weeks of uni swung by with lots of partying, drunken antics, meeting new people and then remembering that Yes I did actually have to go to lectures after a night out.

Lessons learned in freshers week:
  1. Get a doorstop and use it
  2. 'Never Have I Ever' reveals way too much about a person
  3. Everyone knows everything you do in K Block

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