Thursday 7 August 2014

Chilling in Cambridge

For a trip out, me and a few friends went into Cambridge today for a bit of a chillax, a shop and a catch up. 

We started off meeting on the train for the trip there. 

As you can see  I was quite excited to meet the others! 

When we got to Cambridge we went shopping taking full advantage of the sales, and Laura and I fell in love with almost everything we saw!

Then we went for lunch. After my outing a few days ago, I had promised my friends amazing milkshakes in Gourmet Burger Kitchen and so we all had Skinny Fries and milkshakes (very nutritious of course!)

Lucy and I whilst we waited for our lunch

Misty and her Belgian friend Antony 

Laura tasting her Honeycomb milkshake which had just arrived.. 

Among us five we had Banana, Oreo, Honeycomb and Peanut Butter flavours. 


After our glorious lunch we went to have a sit down and relax in Parker's Piece park. 

The park, though not quite so green grass wise at the moment, looked like a typical Cambridge scene with the bicycles there too. 

While Antony fell asleep in the sun...

we had a nice chat together us girls 

We had a bit of a mess around and giggle 

And ended up having a great time just chilling together. 

My outfit today was nearly completely Top Shop...

 The sandals and dress are both from there

I attempted to take a selfie with my camera

The watch is Fossil

And my necklace is a llama which my sister brought me back from Peru. 

We had a good time in Cambridge, though when we went shopping I don't know how much Antony enjoyed trailing around the shops after us as Laura and I stopped at every thing. (top shopping partners right there) 

Cambridge is such a nice place to go for the day (even just for a shop) - I recommend you getting down there asap whilst the weather is still nice!

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