Wednesday 13 August 2014

IB Survivor

Now I don't know if you are aware, but the A Level results come out tomorrow (and I wish all you A-Levelers, especially my friends good luck). It has made me think about my own IB results day just over a month ago, and my entire time during the two years of sixth form. 

This picture shows a good moment of the two years: Prom after exams. 

My whole school year, shown here, had definitely been through it all to get to this moment where for the time being the IB was over. 

The IB if you don't know, is an alternative to A Levels, and is rather more difficult but only now since I have finished it completely, I can see how worthwhile it is. 

Consisting of: six subjects, Theory of Knowledge, a 4000 word Extended Essay and 150 hours of CAS (Creativity, Action and Service), the IB certainly is a lot more challenging than A Levels - and I was kind enough to remind my A Level friends of this frequently whenever they complained their work was hard.  

Theory of Knowledge is described to anyone as the "Look at that table. But how can you know it is REALLY a table? It might be chair" subject. 

It regularly leaves you losing any logic you thought you had...

...But don't worry, that's the beauty of it! You can practically make up anything you want. 

The one thing that must always be remembered:

I am definitely classed as an IB survivor. 

Being permanently bogged down by work is all part of it,but it can leave you feeling like you can't go on. Not a week went by in the last few months where I didn't have at least one IB breakdown.

All the coursework deadlines are at the same time and you are doing regular all-nighters 

You end up being so tired you feel like..

Whilst using all your available time to finish your coursework before the last possible minute it is due in - such as Bronte and Nicole doing work in the fire drill line.
(They are true IBeasts!)

You're free time consists of going to see Othello together in the hope that it will help in the English oral. 

And during lessons you are in a constant state of:

And you see your teachers as evil masterminds set out to ruin your life:

And then in the last two or three months before exams you feel the madness of 'I'm not ready for this' coming

So you start making mountains of revision notes until they are coming out of your ears:
and if you're me, you colour code everything with your new pens which your mum was forced to go out and buy because you were too busy sticking to your impossible revision timetable to leave the house.

During study periods you run off to find a free classroom to revise in on your own in silence rather than sit in the library with other people.  

As my English teacher told us at the start of year 13 'Soon guys, you will realise, that actually you start to enjoy being on your own. You enjoy the work, you take refuge in it and feel happy doing it'

oh we thought she was joking! Then in time, we realised she was right.

My crazy revision timetable I made led to this conversation between my friends and me...

I thought I was going mad until I remembered

Then the final straw: the exams had arrived.

In most of them I ended up walking out like this.. 

BUT it got better. 

Soon enough it was the end of exams and that's when celebration time began!

Here is me, Sophie, Nicole, Izzy, Laura, Laura and Grace at Prom

Everything was over and I was friends with my teachers again

Sophie, Mr. Jackson our History teacher, and I. 

I was all relaxed again, with Nicole here. 

Wearing my new pink lace Miss Selfridge prom dress, Oasis clutch bag and Indian bangles I was very happy.

Nicole is in a Ted Baker dress and Sophie in Asos

An evening of celebration with our teachers including all the leaving speeches and videos. 

We also had a formal sit down dinner at Parklands and a disco dance. 

Then it was time for after-Prom

Kristal, Lucy, Me and Misty

prepared ourselves.

After working hard for two long and hard years we deserved all the partying we wanted, as well as a long relax before going back to school for our graduation Speech Day. 

Misty and I holding up our medals, extremely proud of ourselves that we actually managed to survive the IB.

Friends and family watched as I received my medal. 

Then more celebrations of Hampers and Champers in the marquee in the evening as a party for students, teachers and family. 

(My dress is H&M and wedges Top Shop) and I'm standing here with Ellie, who came back home from Budapest for the weekend for this celebration day.

Misty, Kristal and I

There was live music by the School's band and a dance floor. 

Lucy, Sophie, Me, Kristal, Misty, Emily.

Now six weeks later, I have my results and am into my university of choice, and I can say that the IB was worth it. 

Throughout the whole thing, I couldn't have survived without my friends to pull me through as I'm sure I helped them through as well. 

Though I felt like this throughout most of the IB

Friends will always help to lift you up again and if not, you can sit and complain together as a pass time. 

Through the exhaustion that is IB, there are always times like these. 

And times that you are truly happy you are there in the thick of it. 

Like here with Lily 

My Yearbook conviction sums up  quite a few good memories.

And even an occasional outing for a birthday celebration, like Bronte, Me and Nicole did for Bronte's birthday.

Don't forget to keep a good supply of food nearby to keep you going. 

One time,Kristal, Sophie, Laura and I ate a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in 10 minutes before our next lesson to drag us through when times were hard. 

These are desperate times, don't overwhelm yourself and take an extra Higher Level subject just because you think you can.  

The IB is manageable if you are prepared, organised, and keep your friends close.

If you're in the IB or thinking of starting the Programme, listen to my advice. 

Thanks to IB memes on Facebook and Instagram for providing me entertainment right from the beginning (shame it was all true)  

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