Saturday 2 August 2014

Ripe for the Picking

Bring on the Blackberries!

The thing that is puzzling me the most about England at the moment? The weather.

It has been lovely sunny and hot weather for weeks now (shockingly), and this means everything is growing like mad in our garden. 

The blackberry bush is certainly doing its hard work this year, and so after dinner Dad and I decided to see what we could find. 

With Dad up the ladder and I had the role of passer-upper of the colander...

And we very nearly lost him to the bush when he found some great ones he just had to have!
Though soon we had a whole colander full! 

Which was more than enough for dessert - and being such ice cream lovers we just had to have them with some Cornish Vanilla ice cream. 

in one of our new cute pink polka dot bowls - Yummm!

Ice cream with freshly picked blackberries and a movie - what could be better?