Wednesday 27 August 2014

Harry Potter Studios

Still awaiting my Hogwarts letter I decided to visit my dream school in the next best way: by visiting the Harry Potter Studios. 

For a late birthday present to my sister I arranged to take her to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London. 

We have both been fans of Harry Potter for years, we've read the books and loved the films and couldn't wait to see the set. 

its the flying car!
We arrived in time for our booked tour time and queued up to go in where we could see Harry's first room under the stairs. 
Then we were shown a film and taken through to the Great Hall

We saw all the actors' real costumes in the Great Hall. 

Then went through to see the rest of the set
 The Yule Ball costumes and set from The Goblet of Fire

 The chocoholic standing in front of the chocolate feast!

 Wigs of all the characters 

and Hannah with the huge ladder Filch stands on to hang up Umbridge's rules. 
 In front of the school gates
The Leaky Cauldron 

The Gryffindor boys' dormitory 
 Ron Weasley's bed 
 Harry Potter's bed

A nice touch was letting the actors customise their bedside tables throughout the films.

 All the characters' wands
The Mirror of Erised seen in The Philosopher's Stone 

 The Gryffindor common room

The costumes of Harry, Hermione and Ron including Harry's invisibility cloak
 The clock
Dumbledore's office

Dumbledore's memories and the pensieve 
 lots of different props including the Philosopher's Stone and the Deluminator 
 The Goblet of Fire
The Leaky Cauldron corridor
 In Snape's office

Snape's costume 
The opening to the Chamber of Secrets
The Hogwarts staircases
Quidditch balls and costumes
 The Weasley's kitchen
 The knife, iron, washing pan and knitting moved themselves 
 Hannah and I by the kitchen
Instead of Cheerios...
Cheeri Owls!
all the animal actors who were involved in the productions including what their temperaments were and what they were trained for
Hagrid's house
 The Death Eaters
 All the newspapers, post, and mail
 The Ministry of Magic statue and entrance

 Delores Umbridge's pink office
We never noticed before but apparently as she gains more power her outfits become more pink
 We then went outside and found the Knight Bus

We had a Butterbeer
even though it tasted disgusting you've got to try one!

 We found the bridge

 and 4 Privet Drive

 and the Potters' house in Godrics Hollow

The Weasleys' car
 Hagrid's motorbike
Then we went inside and looked at some of the things made by the design team

 we all love Dobby

We strolled down Diagon Alley

 I wish I could have come here for my Uni shopping instead!
 We saw all the sketches of everything made for the set

 and a model of the Hogwarts grounds

 There's also a massive Hogwarts grounds model - it took 8 weeks to build apparently 

Then the last room was one of my favourite places
The Wand Room

 We tried to find people's names and actors' names on the wand boxes 
We found most of the cast members names including Harry Potter's box 
 and J.K. Rowling's wand box
 Then in the gift shop we look at all the characters' wands

 I've got Hermione's wand
 and Hannah has got Dumbledore's wand, the Elder wand
 The Sorting Hat
and we found out that Daniel Radcliffe has small hands

Harry Potter fans get yourselves down to the Harry Potter Studios! Although I will never look at Quidditch the same way again, it was amazing seeing everything.

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