Monday 8 September 2014

Provence: First Few Days

I just got back from Provence after a weeks family holiday

French food, pool rowing and lake walks... 

Having arrived at our villa near the tiny French village of Moissac-Bellevue on Saturday evening we made a supermarket trip and settled down for a BBQ dinner. 

The next day, it was time to explore and become acquainted with the house. 

Situated in the Alpes-Cote d'Azur region in south east France, the house is surrounded by trees up the mountain. 

We then sat down for some brunch 
 with some fresh French bread from the village's only cafe

and some huge croissants and pain-au-chocolat

 Hannah and I waited for the rest of the family to join us 
With the biggest Babybel!
Pool fun started...

 While I resumed my usual holiday position...
 face down, listening to music, asleep

 then I joined in the dinghy fun with Hannah and Helen

 and took a dip
 My mermaid hair going everywhere

 and watched my Mum and Auntie attempt to row around the pool
Dinner time at the meat-eaters end of the table

Then on Monday we took a trip to the Lacs du Verdon... 

(after our chocolate croissants and a quick sunbathe of course)

Sporting my new glittery Topshop jellies 
I felt like a little kid again

 Mum sat down and admired the view 
 We sat on this little beach for a while before going for a walk around the lake

 our tip top walking leaders Mum and Martin choosing a very scenic route through fields 

 until we found another tiny patch of beach 

 My cousin Robert looking a little scared here 
 We saw a very unusual looking new boat captain
 and Robert took the plunge into the cold water for a swim

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