Monday 29 September 2014

Misty's Birthday

For my good friend Misty's birthday a couple of us girls went out for dinner

I wore my new outfit: dress from Asos, Topshop denim jacket and sandals.

 Misty and Sophie 

 Misty opening her presents
 Me just playing with the flower on the table 
Lucy and I eating our desserts 

We went out to a local restaurant called Host and had some cocktails and dinner.
 We had chicken with parma ham wrapped round with dauphinoise potatoes and vegtables 

Misty had grilled plaice with vegetables 

 Chocolate brownie with Chocolate ice cream (and vanilla ice cream for Misty) and raspberry coulis 
 Sophie's absolutely enormous slice of New York vanilla cheesecake
I had to help out Sophie finishing it though neither of us could do it 

Then after dinner we went out for a few drinks in a bar to finish off Misty's birthday celebration before going to university.

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