Saturday 2 August 2014

Londoner Day

Time for a food adventure in London 

You probably don't know, but I am a huge fan of the well known blogger 'The Londoner' . I found her about 2 years ago when I stumbled across the Slutty Brownies recipe (they are amazinggg by the way)and then fell in love with her posts. 

One of my closest friends is also a tad obsessed with and an avid reader of The Londoner as well so we've been planning for ages to go on a Londoner Day where we go to some of the restaurants that Rosie has gone to. 

Though we've been talking about it for months, due to exams we've only just been able to go now, but boy was it worth waiting for!

We started off by taking a little trip to Chelsea to Tom's Kitchen for a bit of brunch. 

Having seen it already on the TV program Made In Chelsea I was ridiculously excited, and thankfully we arrived just in time before the  Breakfast menu finished.

While we waited for our food we slurped down milkshakes - chocolate for me (of course) and vanilla for Sophie.

Then the food came... She had Belgian Waffles with blueberry compote and Chantilly cream 
 Here's a close up for you...
 and I had the Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Bagel - which was divine. 

Here's a close up of the little bit of heaven 

Action shot

After we had devoured the lot we decided to stroll around many of the lovely Chelsea houses and pretend we live there 

(in our dreams) 

We then took a trip to Hyde Park South Kensington Gardens and met another close friend of mine.
 In case you were wondering I am wearing a House of Denim dress, TopShop sandals and a satchel bag from Madrid market. Nicole is wearing an Asos playsuit and a Michael Kors handbag. 
 Catch up time in the park 
 We then took a stroll round the Gardens when Nicole left.

Next stop: Covent Garden 

Though the Londoner has not  been here before (I don't think) we decided to look in the French Patisserie bakery just next to Covent Garden for an afternoon snack.

The interior is decorated French and classy. 
What's more is that the food is delicious and you can choose anything you want from the counter.
Strawberries all round this summer - Strawberry tart for me and a strawberry mille feuille sponge for Sophie.

 Tucking into my tart with some refreshing lemonade in the hot summers weather. 

Covent Garden time for a touch of shopping and watching of the street performers AND I had my first ever macaroon (Can't believe I've never had one before)

 Where better to try my first one than from the famous Laduree. 
Salted Caramel to start with.

LAST STOP: Patty&Bun 

We discussed and decided that this was the best food place - seriously I cannot recommend this burger place enough!

 Tucked away down James Street near Bond Street Tube station is this exciting restaurant. Its served up in a fast food way and there is loud music playing creating a great atmosphere. 
 We both had the Smokey Robinson Burger with chips with Rosemary salt, and oh my god...
 Just look at that melted cheese coming out! 
This photo definitely does not do it justice - you can't even see the caramelised onions inside.

 We were so busy tearing our way in and inhaling the burger (in my case) that we didn't even notice this message on the packaging until we had finished. 

oops its all gone..
Not even a scrap was left in front of me.

I am a Burger lover, I order them nearly every time I go out to restaurants and pubs during Summer but this one tops all the charts. 
A definite 10/10 must have.

This was the perfect day out in London with Soph and we've already decided we are going back to Patty&Bun next time we go to London so they better watch out. 

Most relaxing day I've had in ages and it was a great reward together for finally completing the gruelling IB programme. 

Even the weather was amazing, well done London.